Friend's Profile
Hello!!! I would like to say thank you for coming in my post. My name is Dinda Cecilia. This is my english assignment about introduction. In this assignment my english teacher was told to create a friend's profile. So I made a profile of my friend, Ilmi.
Friend's profile.
Diyanatul Ilmi was born on October 21st October 2005 in Pasuruan. She is the fifth of seven children. She lives in Kemantren SO. She usually called Ilmi. She likes sport, especially martial sport, Pencak Silat. Ilmi completed her elementary education in SDN Martopuro 1. Then, she joined Junior highs chool in SMPN 1 Purwosari. She continued her study in SMAN 1 Purwosari.
Ilmi likes Pencak Silat, she joined Pencak silat club called Perisai Diri. She started her hobby at 3rd grade of elementary school. At first she just following her brother to practice but she became interest. She started doing it at 6th grade of elementary school. She likes Pencak silat because she got a lot of knowledge and friends, besides that it also makes body healthy.
Ilmi started particapacing competitions when she was in junior high school. She often wins the competitions ranging from district level to national level. She is always practice to improve her skills. Not only relying on practicing, she also always praying before doing her competition.
She is so proud to be an accomplished child. The most proud things for her is when she won trophies and medals. Her dream to join the national competition has been achieved, even she won the first place. But her dream didn’t end there, she wanted to become an Indonesian representative athletes in the international competition.
Name : Dinda Cecilia D.R.
Grade : X MIPA 1
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